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Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace (Arc1 Chp7 Pt1)

[DRAFT] Chapter 7: Begging for Survival (Part 1)

Translator: Tygris
TLC: Nyamachi
English proofreader: 247Reader

When Qingying entered the hall, the Empress Dowager was sitting on the kang [1]炕 (kàng) is a heated, brick sleeping platform typically used in the north. against a soft pillow decorated with passionfruit and bay leaves [2]TN: This is possibly a mistranslation. Please comment below if you know the correct translation. Translation logic: 西番莲十香软枕 directly translated is Passionfruit Ten-fragrances Soft Pillow. One source states that Ten-fragrances is a name in Traditional Chinese Medicine given to bay leaves. However, what is not clear here is whether the pillow is decorated with images of passionfruit or passion fruit flowers, and whether the pillow is decorated with imagery of bay leaves or stuffed with bay leaves. and reading a book. The lighting inside the hall was somewhat dim. Fu gugu was reilluminating the lights. Under the windowsill, the pearwood five-bats-surrounding-shou [3]This is a traditional and auspicious pattern of five bats holding/surrounding the longevity character. In Chinese, the character for ‘bat’ (蝠, fú) has the same pronunciation as the character for fortune/blessing (福, fú), so the five bats are a reference to the five blessings. The longevity character is a wish for a long life. Together, this image represents the idea of a long, fulfilling/blessed life. Here are two examples of this design from Baidu: example01 & example02. table supported a darkly glistening silver and bronze incense burner engraved with lotus petal patterns. From inside [the incense burner], there slowly seeped thread-like strands of light sandalwood smoke, dispersing into the tranquil night.

The Empress Dowager only had a single jade-green bianfang [4]扁方 (biǎn fāng), literally translated as ‘flat and square’, is a specific type of large hairpin that Manchu women wear when combing their hair into the Manchu women’s hairstyle. inlaid with beads of jadeite and decorated with the imperial seal holding up her hair. Two simple silver hairpins, devoid of decorations, were inserted at the back of her head. She wore a lake-green qipao [5]Even though the raws say qipao, that makes no sense because qipao became a thing after the Qing Dynasty kinda dissipated. I believe the author was referring to qizhuang, which was worn by the Manchu people and which inspired qipao. See an example of Empress Xiao’jing’cheng of Emperor Daoguang. decorated with round longevity characters. [6]团寿 (tuán shòu) is a font/design based on the character 寿 (shòu), which has meanings of longevity. See the round patterns on this photo of Empress Dowager Cixi. The sleeves were double-bordered, embroidered with a few scattered snow-white acacia flowers along with leaves woven in light-green silk. Overall, the ensemble was refreshing yet luxurious. 

Straightening her back, she raised her head slightly, a book held in her hand. Her intent gaze seemed to rest on Qingying for a long time.

Qingying performed a wanfu [7]The salute performed by Han women in the olden days. Performed by clasping fists loosely with both hands, moving the clasped hands slightly up and down at the lower right side of the chest, and lowering the head and bending the knees slightly at the same time. greeting to the Empress Dowager before kneeling. “This intrusion upon the Empress Dowager in the dark of the night has truly disturbed the Empress Dowager’s rest. It is this concubine’s mistake.” 

Under the flickering candlelight, the Empress Dowager’s expression seemed ambiguous and unclear. She carelessly turned the page, slowly saying,  “Since you have come, you must have matters of concern. Go ahead and speak.”

Qingying bent over and gave a kowtow, then raised her face to look at the Empress Dowager. “Begging the Empress Dowager to pardon one’s crime. This concubine has just made a night visit to Jing’ren Palace, and has met with née Ula Nara.”

Qingying slightly raised her gaze and witnessed Fu gugu’s hands tremble as she relit the lights to the side. A single flame thus wobbled precariously, the candle wax almost dripping onto her hands. 

The Empress Dowager, however, did not reveal any change in expression, only lightly responding with an “Oh.” Then, ceasing to flip through the book, she calmly stated, “If you have gone then let it be so. As relatives, your bones and muscles are connected. Since you have entered the palace, you cannot avoid going to see her. Rise.”

Qingying remained motionless, kneeling earnestly on the ground. “This concubine does not dare to rise. Née Ula Nara survives as the late Emperor’s dishonorable wife. That this concubine did not ask for permission and took the initiative to visit during the night is truly a crime.”

The Empress Dowager faintly expressed, “You have already gone [to see her] before coming to plead your guilt. Is this not an unnecessary action?”

Though the Empress Dowager’s voice was light, the severity in her tone could be deeply heard. A gentle breeze slipped through the window; the leaves outside the hall rustled in the wind. Unbeknownst and silent, autumn had arrived.

Qingying unconsciously straightened her body. “This is not an unnecessary action. Whether now or in the future, Empress Dowager is the Master of the Imperial Harem.”

“Master of the Harem?” The Empress Dowager softly gave a short laugh. Putting down the book in her hand, she replied, “Ai’jia has grown old. The Emperor also has an Empress. Should it not be the Empress who is the Master of the Imperial Harem?”

Qingying succinctly responded, “You are the Emperor’s mother, the indisputable elder of the Imperial Harem.”

The Empress Dowager glanced in all four directions, lightly sighing, “What a pity it is for you to uselessly come here to see Ai’jia. This is Shou’kang Palace, not the Ci’ning Palace where the rightful Empress Dowager should reside.

Qingying immediately understood. Ci’ning Palace had been renovated and refurbished and was the main hall of the Imperial Harem. Comparatively, Shou’kang Palace was lacking in many ways. She immediately replied, “The Emperor has just ascended the throne. There are a thousand heads and ten-thousand threads [8]千头万绪 (qiān tóu wàn xù) describes things as complicated and confusing. This can also be used to describe the beginning of something with a lot of clues/a situation with many possible avenues of exploration. worth of matters to attend to. Unavoidably, some aspects were not attended to properly. 

“But this is also because there is a difference in the degree of closeness. How many people and how many officials are eyeing the matters outside: there cannot be the slightest of mistakes, and all must be completed as quickly as possible. Inside [the palace], there is the Emperor’s birth mother: there has been a bit of a delay, but when has the Empress Dowager not been tolerant of the Emperor’s filial heart? In the end, [you are] the closest of relatives, sharing flesh and blood!”

The Empress Dowager’s eyelids drooped somewhat. Under the reflection of the flickering candlelight, her gaze contained a hazy and flickering smile. “Your words just now not only protected the Emperor[‘s reputation] but also upheld Ai’jia’s face. Ai’jia did not choose you as the Emperor’s Secondary Consort back then in vain. But it is unknown – do your words reflect the thoughts and heart of the Emperor?”

Qingying bit her lips, closed her eyes for a moment, and then quickly answered, “The Emperor is busy with governmental duties. If [he is] unable to attend [to these matters] for the moment, then it is the concubines’ duty to remind the Emperor.”

“That is the case.” The Empress Dowager took a few more glances at Qingying, warmly saying, “Although you are the Secondary Consort imperially bestowed upon the Emperor by the late Emperor and Ai’jia, possessing a noble background, and back in qiandi you were the first amongst the Secondary Consorts, more honorable than née Su who has birthed the Third Prince and née Gao who was later promoted to Secondary Consort from the position of gege, [the situation] now is no longer the same as before…”

Qingying lowered her head further, expressing deference. “As a member of the Ula Nara clan, this concubine acknowledges that Née Ula Nara of Jing’ren Palace has committed severe crimes. This matter has brought this concubine great shame. It would be this concubine’s great honor merely to wait by the Emperor’s side, making tea and serving water.”

The Empress Dowager lifted her face, seeming noncommittal. Moments later, she lowered her tone and said, “Fu’jia, you go support Qingying to stand and speak.”

Fu gugu reached out in support, but Qingying panickedly prostrated herself onto the floor. “This concubine does not dare. This concubine has committed a crime and does not dare to rise to respond to the Empress Dowager’s words.”

The Empress Dowager gave a slight sigh, gently saying, “Qingying, your Paternal Aunt is your Paternal Aunt. You are you. Although you are all of the Ula Nara clan, the late Emperor’s Empress Xiao’jing was the Empress, the Empress of the Ula Nara clan is a dishonorable wife, and you are the newly ascended Emperor’s beloved woman. Ai’jia does not fail to understand the intricacies within.”

Qingying’s eyes grew hot and she became a tiny bit less worried. “Many thanks for Empress Dowager’s sympathy.”

The Empress Dowager slightly smiled. “Back then it was Ai’jia who decided to ask the late Emperor to bestow you as the Emperor’s Secondary Consort. Now, naturally, [Ai’jia] would not despise you on the Ula Nara Empress’s account.” She paused for a moment, her smile dimming somewhat. “A person dies, their sins disperse. Née Ula Nara has been confined for many years and will not remain long on this earth. Ai’jia is someone who has lived till this age, so could [Ai’jia] still not understand?”

Qingying finally dared to raise her head, once again kowtowing, with hot tears rimming her eyes. “Many thanks for the Empress Dowager’s forgiveness.”

The Empress Dowager took a glance at Qingying. “Still not willing to rise? You have only just begun to reside within the palace. If news that you were immediately ordered to kneel by Ai’jia for a lengthy time is spread, is this not allowing those who enjoy making unwarranted speculations to believe that Ai’jia is upset with you? In the future, how will you then stand tall in the harem?”

Qingying’s mind was full of confusion, her thoughts as insubstantial as a layer of newly fallen snow. Earlier, she had been impetuous, only wanting to proclaim her crimes and avoid suspicion, and had not thought through to this layer at all. Qingying was shocked still on the spot, only feeling that the Empress Dowager’s eyes were clear and all-seeing. She herself was at a loss, with no strength left in her arms and legs, and needed to rely on Fu gugu’s support in standing and settling in a seat. 

The Empress Dowager’s gaze turned, examining Qingying. “Of the people in the new Emperor’s qiandi, besides you and the new Empress née Fucha, and the gege née Keliyete, all others are Han Bannermen. Née Fucha and you are of high, noble birth; there is no need to mention others. But now that the new Emperor has ascended, he naturally wants to assert that the Manchu and the Han are one family [9]TBD: INSERT HISTORICAL INFO ON MANCHU POLICY ON HAN INTEGRATION.. So even though née Gao was not ranked as highly as you back in qiandi, now in the harem, [you] cannot fail to give her an additional few points of face/tolerance and respect. Especially since née Gao’s father is Gao Bin, a capable official valued by the Emperor.”

Qingying startled, and understanding gradually bloomed in her heart. Immediately, she rose and respectfully responded, “This concubine and Elder Sister Gao have long been as close as sisters. Elder Sister Gao is virtuous and elegant, and in every which way guides this concubine. Naturally, she should be ranked above this concubine.”

Empress Dowager said, “This has made you suffer. But some suffering, now that you have arrived here, is unavoidable. Yesterday during the noontime meal, Ai’jia disregarded your face for this exact reason. You have been wronged in this situation; in the future, even if Ai’jia does not treat you thus, you will not lack for suffering.

Qingying lowered her head to her chest, sincerely saying, “Empress Dowager is willing to guide this concubine. How could this concubine feel wronged?”

The Empress Dowager smiled without smiling, seeming not quite to believe [in Qingying’s words]. She simply leaned against the soft pillow, plucked a silver hairpin from her hair, and used it to adjust the candlewick [nearby].

Translator’s Notes

Okay so work ended up being SUPER busy after I came back from vacay, but I promised you guys that at the latest there will be a post on 10/15, so I am posting this draft post. While this is not 100% edited yet, I don’t expect much to change other than some grammar issues and at least one missing footnote. Maybe the title will change if I can think of a more accurate translation. idk. Please comment if you notice anything untoward.

Fingers crossed that the next post will be on time/I will be caught up AHHHHH WORK IS SO BUSY ::SOBS:: (The next part is mostly translated I just need to go put in all the footnotes, etc.)

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