Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace (Arc1 Chp6 Pt3)

Chapter 6: Abandoned Wife (Part 3)

Translator: Tygris
English proofreader: 247Reader

Née Ula Nara gave a cold smile. “It is rare that I, this defeated general, an abandoned wife detested by the late Emperor till death, would still have someone asking me to grant my wisdom.”

Qingying raised her body. “Though Paternal Aunt had neither child nor favor, she still grasped the Empress’s seat stably for many years. If not for the Empress Dowager, the person on the Phoenix Throne today might have been you. Even if you are now confined in the deep palace, you must still have hundreds of aspects for Qingying to learn from.”

Née Ula Nara turned her head. “Back then, your marriage matters were not smooth, becoming the laughingstock of the entire palace. Do you not hate me? Now, you are also née Niohuru’s daughter-in-law. Why should I teach you?”

Qingying pondered for a moment, then looked at Née Ula Nara sincerely, “Because Paternal Aunt and I are both daughters of the Ula Nara clan.”

Née Ula Nara gazed out the window. Under the lighting of the deep dark sky, only her gloomy visage could be seen. 

Née Ula Nara’s voice was somewhat hoarse. “Now, I am no longer the Mother of the Nation of Great Qing; I am no longer the Empress of the late Emperor; even more so, I am no longer anyone’s mother. My only remaining identity is that of the daughter of the Ula Nara clan.” She paused, then said in a deep voice, “Back then, Empress Dowager Xiao’gong’ren told me that a daughter of the Ula Nara clan must sit in the legitimate seat in the Middle Palace. [1]Traditionally, the Empress resided in the Palace of Earthly Tranquility or Kun’ning Palace, located in the middle of the East and West Six Palaces where the consorts and concubines resided. This was no longer the case starting from the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor (our Qianlong’s father), but the term the ‘Middle Palace’ remained. Today, I similarly pass along this sentence to you. You… Do you dare?”

The shock in her heart abruptly towered like a mountain peak, frightening her so much that she took a few steps back. Unavoidably, she seemed somewhat timid and cowardly. In a low voice, she replied, “Qingying dares not aim for the position of Empress. Qingying only desires the Emperor’s long-lasting respect and affection, and to be a favored concubine. That is all.”

Née Ula Nara’s lips curled into a mocking sneer. “Favored concubine? Other than favor, what else is there? The biggest advantage of a favored concubine is only that favor. A woman who has once been favored, when she loses favor, will live a life worse than death.” Née Ula Nara’s two eyes gazed at her coldly. “How did our Ula Nara clan produce as shortsighted a person as you?”

Qingying’s entire face felt as though it was burning. Shamefacedly, she stood there with her hands hanging, not daring to say a word.

Née Ula Nara continued, “When your beauty fades and your schemes have been spent, what can you rely on to fight for favor? Paternal Aunt asks you, favor is surface-level, while power is the essence. Which one do you want?”

Favor and power were akin to stunning flowers blooming at the tip of one’s heart. No matter which, it could beautify one’s life and stun the world. Qingying thought for a moment, then silently made a decision. “Qingying is greedy and naturally desires to obtain both. But if that is impossible, then naturally the essence is most important.”

Née Ula Nara nodded. “These words show some prospects. People, clouds, and palace gates are as deep as the sea: standing stably is very difficult. Additionally, you are also my niece. If you want to stand stably in the back palace, one fears that there will only be difficulties upon difficulties.”

These words touched upon Qingying’s inner worries, causing her head to droop even more. The next moment, she raised head, loudly stating, “Though there are difficulties, Qingying does not have a path of retreat, and can only move forward.”

Née Ula Nara’s eyes flashed, finally showing several sparks of appreciation. Slowly, she reached out to support Qingying to stand. “In order to stand stably in the back palace, one can lack neither favor nor children. But Qingying, you have to be able to endure, and even more so, you have to be able to harden your heart. Cut the grass and destroy the roots [2]斩草除根 (zhǎn cǎo chú gēn) means to uproot the grass so that it cannot grow again. It is a metaphor for completely eradicating the root of trouble to avoid future worries. to avoid leaving future troubles. Clean and neat [3]干净利落 (gān jìng lì luò) describes an action as skillful, agile, and accurate, without any extraneous movements or aspects. to avoid leaving handles.

“If you want to climb high, then it cannot just be a little bit higher. If you are just a little bit higher, then everyone will be jealous of you and scheme against you. But if you are much more powerful and much more scheming than those people, then beyond submission and respect, they, even more so, will be frightened, and no longer dare to act against you.”

Qingying did not seem to completely understand. Née Ula Nara glanced at her but did not bother commenting, and continued speaking. “Within the back palace, each and every person wants to have both and is unwilling to take any losses. But Qingying, you have to understand, only when a person can give up everything is a person truly unafraid of anything.”

Née Ula Nara seemed to give a sad sigh. “My mistake was to be overly concerned with the position of Empress, overly concerned with the affection between the late Emperor and I, causing me to fall into this state.”

Qingying seemed to understand. “Paternal Aunt means to say that those who have no desires are strong.”

Née Ula Nara slightly nodded, coldly saying, “What I can teach you is only this. These few sentences from the defeated general, if you feel that they are useful, then listen; if you feel that they are not, then let them just pass through your ears and forget them. The time is not early; you should leave. If you attract other people’s attention, then tomorrow could be your death day.”

Qingying rose and moved to retreat. “Qingying will leave first. In the future, if convenient, I will still come visit Paternal Aunt.” 

Née Ula Nara indifferently replied, “No need. Seeing each other again would just trouble both of us.”

Qingying was speechless. “Empress Dowager did not mention how Paternal Aunt will be dealt with. Paternal Aunt can with peace of mind keep a low profile for a while before considering this.”

Née Ula Nara raised her chin arrogantly. “I am the Empress who legitimately entered through the doors of Great Qing. Do I still need to follow her decision on how I am to be dealt with? Rather, you yourself should pray for more blessings.”

Qingying silently paid her parting respects and turned to leave. When she was almost at the door, née Ula Nara suddenly called out, “Qingying.” It was a wretched sound. Qingying’s heart gave a thump, and she immediately turned her head back. 

Née Ula Nara’s tears dripped sorrowfully down her face. “The Ula Nara clan has already produced one abandoned wife. There cannot be a second abandoned wife! You…”

These were the most heartrending words of a woman’s life! 

Qingying suppressed her tears, incomparably solemn. “Qingying understands.”

Née Ula Nara calmly turned around, as though all was as usual, then slowly walked up to the Phoenix Throne, sat down, and quietly said, “You must forever remember that you are a daughter of the Ula Nara clan.”

Qingying’s nose soured, and she felt unmeasurable sadness. The member of the Ula Nara clan on the throne had long ago been withered by age, but still remained graceful and elegant, not at all lacking the aura of the Mother of the Nation. Qingying could not help but bow her body down and kowtowed thrice before turning and leaving.

A’Ruo had been waiting in a dark corner of the long street. She had long been restless, as though a cat was scratching at her heart. [4]Referencing the itchiness of the heart, which means that one cannot stay still. Only when she saw Qingying coming out did she sigh in relief. “Little Mistress, you have finally come out.”

Qingying hurriedly asked, “Nobody saw anything?”

A’Ruo nodded. “There was no one.” She hurriedly took the cloak to cover Qingying, and supported Qingying’s hand to walk forward.

The two figures walked quickly. It was unknown how far they had walked before they finally felt their hanging hearts fall somewhat back into place. [5]This is used to describe nervousness. Only then did A’Ruo dare to ask, “For what matters did the Old Mistress suddenly want to see Little Mistress?”

The night breeze blew gently and the cloak fluttered in the wind, like a fluttering butterfly desperately looking for a reliable branch to rest upon. Qingying slowly stopped her footsteps and gazed distantly at the trembling stars on the border of the frosty dark sky. She felt limitless sorrow, quietly saying, “This… is perhaps the last time Paternal Aunt and I will meet.”

A’Ruo was greatly shocked. “The Old Mistress… She…”

Qingying had tears in her eyes. “With Paternal Aunt’s temperament, how can she be willing to bow down to others? Even more so to someone who has humiliated her. She would rather become akin to broken jade than live preserved as a piece of clay.” [6]宁肯玉碎,也绝不瓦全 (nìng kěn yù suì, yě jué bù wǎ quán) is a reference to 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 (nìng wéi yù suì, bù wéi wǎ quán), which directly translates to one would rather be a noble jade broken into pieces than be a cheap, inferior clay product safely protected. This means that one would rather die with honor than live in disgrace. The phrase is usually used as a complement.

She gazed at the secluded narrow strip of sky above the long street, looking far out towards [7]The term here used is 极目远望 (jí mù yuǎn wàng) which means to look far into the distance with all one’s might. the Tai’he Hall, Zhong’he Hall, and Bao’he Hall [8]Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Central Harmony, and Hall of Preserving Harmony in the front court, still bustling with activity. Colorful fireworks flew up into the dark night sky of the Forbidden City, eclipsing even the shining moon, causing the entire scene to be as bright as day. A jackdaw came out of nowhere, likely frightened by the beautiful fireworks, flapping its dark dark wings and crowing as it flew far away. 

Qingying, unable to hold back her tears, lowered her body and bowed deeply in the direction of Jing’ren Palace. 

A’Ruo was frightened by this move, hurriedly holding onto Qingying. She said, “Little Mistress, the bricks on the ground are chilly. You should be more considerate of your health.”

Qingying, holding onto A’Ruo’s hand, stood up sharply and no longer looked back. 

A’Ruo quietly peeked at Qingying, only to see an expression as cold as frost and a face no longer carrying the slightest trace of tears. The brilliant and colorful illumination from the fireworks in the sky traveled through layers upon layers of red palace walls, through thousands upon hundreds of twists and turns to reflect on her face, making her skin look as white as snow and her expression as calm as ice.

Translator’s Notes

I have an upcoming family trip to China. Updates may depend on whether I can connect to my Google Drive or not😬If not, or if I can’t get the translation done quickly enough that the content can be edited/proofread by another member of our team, then there could be a gap in posts. We should have at least one post by 10/15/2024 though. (I promise this is my last long trip planned for 2024.)

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  • Please 🙏 when will you upload a new chapter of WHI

    • Hi Aysha,
      Thanks for asking about WHI. I’m still working through some health issues right now so I can’t make any definite promises about upload times. We do have some chapters in the works and definitely intend to finish translating the series fully. Thank you so much for continuing to follow the series and support our team.

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