Updates and Nyanovels’ Translation Goals – April 2021

Hello readers,

(๑^>ㅿ<^๑);;;ノ*:..。o○ We apologize!! ○o。..:*\(๑^>ㅿ<^๑);;;

As you can see, we did not finish our TL goals again this month. They are all in progress!


  • WHI 55 – First round of translating is complete, but still needs TL check and editing
  • WHI 56 – 20% translated
  • HLC c1 pt 6 – 80% translated; progress slowed by lots of research rabbit holes~ Expect many footnotes ^^;

April Translation Goals: The same as March

  • WHI – c55 & 56 – The remaining chapters planned for our Christmas reader event (T o T)
  • HLC – c1 pt6*** – Aiming for April 5 (Easter Monday)* Almost done!


  • We have a new member!!! \O/ Welcome Saltnpepper, a new TL assistant who joined our team this week~! Please give them a warm welcome! They were very kind to reply to the recruitment post. Thank you to everyone else who has reached out as well. Do let Nyamachi know if you are still interested~
  • Nyamachi has been dealing with some new health issues throughout March – hence the lack of translation progress. She’s excited to translate with Silverylazes, [redacted], and Saltnpepper over the long weekend though~
  • Silverylazes has stepped back somewhat because of other commitments. They will still help translate chapters when they can.

As always, thank you for your patience and understanding <3 Happy Easter to all!

The Nyanovels Translation Team

<<March 2021 | May 2021>>

One Comment

  • Welcome, Saltnpepper. :partypopper: :balloon: :clap:

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