Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace (Arc1 Chp6 Pt2)

Chapter 6: Abandoned Wife (Part 2)

Translator: Tygris
English proofreader: 247Reader

Qingying was ecstatic when the new Emperor ascended the throne. When she first arrived at qiandi as a new bride, she was a little aggrieved because, after all, [he] was not the favorite son of the late Emperor. However, she was also grateful, grateful that her husband pulled her out of those murky waters. 

As they spent more time together, she gradually discovered that although her husband was cautious, he had ambition, talent, and patience. Little by little, like a spring bamboo shoot, he gradually attracted the attention of the late Emperor and gradually gained his regard. His efforts were not in vain: he finally had the joy and glory of today. This was also her joy and glory.

During dinner, Qingying could not refrain from ordering the kitchen to prepare an extra two dishes that the Emperor enjoyed, even though she knew that the Emperor would not eat in the harem on such a night; there was one banquet after another in the front court, expressing the exultation of the Emperor and jubilation of the people. But when she saw his favored dishes, she was also happy, as though her heart was always by his side.

After the meal, there was nothing to do. The Emperor’s attentions were in the front court, and so far, he had no time to mind the harem nor attend to those status-less women. Her happy time was also a lonely [time]. Qingying could only imagine the Emperor’s heroic spirit in the front court, from his place above ten-thousands [1]TL Note: Meaning, basically everyone. of people. He had ambition, enthusiasm, and a strong veneration for this land. She could envision what kind of ambition was hidden under the faint, secretive curl of his lips.

While she was immersed in her sentimental thoughts, the palace door was lightly pushed open. A’Ruo’s thin figure flashed in, so lightly and gracefully that only the hem of the light-green skirt could be seen, lightly furled like a lotus leaf. She whispered a few sentences into Qingying’s ear, causing Qingying’s expression to become colder and colder. Forcing herself to remain calm, Qingying asked, “Who told you this?”

A’Ruo’s voice was suppressed very quietly to ensure that her words could not reach six ears. [2]Meaning that her words could not reach a third person. “The Old Mistress still has a personal maidservant named Xiu’er by her side who is a confidant brought into the palace by the Old Mistress. She came to tell this servant secretly that the Old Mistress is not well and must see you.” Seeing Qingying’s heavy expression, like a sky about to rain, she hurriedly advised, “This servant will say some extraneous words to advise Little Mistress: it is better not to go.”

Qingying rotated the enamel cat-eye crystal nail guard on her finger. The white luster on the cat’s eye crystal rippled like an indecisive heart. Qingying asked hesitantly, “Meaning?”

A’Ruo furrowed her brows. “The Old Mistress is the greatest pain in the Empress Dowager’s heart and stomach. [3]心腹大患 (xīn fù dà huàn) refers to a serious hidden danger or a major threat. If the Empress Dowager knew, or not even the Empress Dowager, but if any person in the palace knew, it would be a disaster as big as the Heavens for Little Mistress, inescapable. Additionally, the Old Mistress could not be said to have treated you well, Little Mistress.” She hemmed and hawed, before finally saying, “Little Mistress, please put yourself first.”

This paternal aunt of Qingying really could not be said to have treated Qingying well. Yet, it was she who had brought prosperity and ease of life to her family, and it was she who, through twists and turns, led her to marry her current husband. Qingying had thousands upon ten-thousands of reasons not to go see her, but in the end, she still hesitantly stood.

The road at night was slow and long. This was her first time walking on the night-covered long streets of the Forbidden City. A’Ruo was holding a lantern ahead. Qingying wore a deep lotus-green cloak inlaid with gold silk and sprinkled with plum blossoms. Dark colors were naturally hard for others to perceive. Should someone actually take note, they would at most think that she was visiting another consort or concubine.

Past the end of the Eastern Long Street, [4]The street between the three main halls and the six palaces to the east. Can’t find an English name for this. See the maps: Forbidden City Map (English) or Forbidden City Map (Chinese). past the Jing’ren Gate, and making a turn past the stone screen wall, stood Jing’ren Palace. 

At the corner gate, [5]In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the first gate in the major gates of government offices and residences was the main gate and the second gate was the ceremonial gate. The corner gates were on the same plane as the ceremonial gate and were located on both sides of the ceremonial gate. These were generally used by those who were not public officials. a palace maid had long been stationed in wait. When the palace maid saw Qingying coming, she opened the corner gate and allowed her entry without a single word. A’Ruo was naturally left outside. Qingying walked into the spacious courtyard and looked at the wall covered with familiar paintings of dragons and phoenixes and imperial seals; her eyes could not help but grow hot.

Her frequent visits had once made her familiar with this place. But now, visiting again, it seemed so desolate. The woman who lived here used to be the most noble woman, but had since long ago lost all her favor and lost all her power, and now lived like a confined prisoner. Qingying had ten-thousands upon thousands of reasons to not take a single step into this place, but, still, she came.

Because, in their bodies, there flowed the same blood.

She hesitated momentarily, then quietly walked in under the moonlight. Behind her, the pigeons pecking at rice grains on the ground were like leaping white spirits, concerned only with their gluttony and not paying the slightest attention to her presence. Indeed, their wings gave not even the slightest flutter. Rather, they seemed more like the masters of Jing’ren Palace than the humans inhabiting it.

Qingying pushed open the heavy carved red-lacquered doors. The hall immediately emitted a dusty scent, suggesting that the place had been neither repaired nor cleaned for a long time. It choked her so that she covered her mouth and nose.

There were not many lit candles in the hall. The candle holders, accumulated with oil and dust, supported a few tragically burning candles: the flames swayed and seemed as though they might extinguish at any time. With the aid of a faint ray of moonlight shining in, she stared for a moment before she recognized the figure sitting on the Phoenix Throne that looked exactly like her Paternal Aunt.

She quietly called out, “Paternal Aunt.”

That figure slowly stood up, and like a sinister shadow closing in on her, eerily asked, “You are still willing to come?”

Qingying solemnly nodded. “Cutting the flesh, breaking the bones, within both Paternal Aunt and I flows the blood of the Ula Nara clan.”

That figure laughed, voice as hoarse and low as that of a night owl. “Good. No matter what, it was the correct decision on my part to call you here if you are still able to speak those words.”

The laughter aroused a full-bodied shudder in Qingying. She carefully examined the person in front of her. With her heart pricked by countless sorrows and regrets, she whispered, “Paternal Aunt, you have grown old. During these past years, you have suffered.”

Indeed, had she not grown old? Back then, although née Ula Nara could not be considered a first-rate beauty, she was still the graceful and elegant Mistress of the Six Palaces.

Née Ula Nara sounded a brittle laugh, saying coldly, “Although I am old, you are still young. That is what is most important.”

Qingying hesitated for a moment but continued, “Paternal Aunt, the one who ascended the throne today was Hongli, the Empress Dowager’s adopted son.”

Née Ula Nara looked up to the sky and cackled until tears came out of the corners of her eyes. “Congratulations, ah, congratulations. You can be said to have accomplished your dreams and are reaping the rewards of your good deeds.” 

Her face suddenly turned cold, seeming grim and ferocious. “There is no need for you to tell me who will ascend the throne and become the Emperor, who will become the Empress Dowager, and who will become a prisoner. Today, née Niohuru came to see me, and she told me that the new Emperor will posthumously confer my Elder Sister, the original Primary Consort of the previous Emperor, as Empress Xiao’jing. All the good that I have done in my life will be recorded under her name. 

Née Niohuru has fulfilled the dearest wish of the late Emperor: my Elder Sister died but is treated as if she were alive. Yet I, yet I will not enter the historical records, will not be associated with the Imperial Ancestral Temple. In the future, I will be buried as a titleless and clanless concubine of the late Emperor. Without a single sound and without a single breath, [6]无声无息 (wú shēng wú xī) is a metaphor for having no reputation/fame and not being known by any person. I have become akin to a piece of dust in the harem, dissipating in a single gust of wind. 

Yes, yes! Née Niohuru is so cruel! Qingying, you must learn this well!”

The tiny hairs on Qingying’s back stood up in fear. She stood pinned to the floor, feeling cold sweat dripping down, like minuscule insects crawling along slowly and leaving a chill in their wake.

Née Ula Nara glanced at her with contempt. “So useless. I wasted my efforts calling you here. It seems that you are still the same as before: unsteady and unable to achieve great things.”

Qingying came back to her senses and was barely able to calmly say, “Whether or not I am able to achieve great things, that I am able to be where I am today is all due to Paternal Aunt’s efforts.”

Née Ula Nara glanced at Qingying, slowly saying, “Efforts? Back then, the Third Prince Hongshi was momentarily muddled and refused to marry you as his Primary Consort, causing you to be humiliated. Naturally, you were upset. I wanted you to endure the humiliation for the time being, serve in the position of a gege at his side, and I would continue planning for the future. You felt you were being humiliated and were unwilling to suffer.”

Qingying was silent for a moment, then said deeply, “Although both [positions] are that of concubines, the Third Prince had no interest in me and felt affection for the late Emperor’s Concubine Ying, which led to the heavenly disaster. It was my luck not to marry the Third Prince. I have never once regretted being married to the Fourth Prince..”

Née Ula Nara did not even bother raising her eyelids. “But are you satisfied with marrying Hongli as a Secondary Consort? After all, whether a Secondary Consort or as a gege, both are just concubines.”

When Qingying thought of Hongli, she felt that all her worries abated, leaving only honey-like sweetness. “The Emperor has quite sincere feelings towards me, but the Third Prince treated me as a non-existent object. Qingying naturally knows how to distinguish the differences in affection.”

Née Ula Nara smiled, her tone sour and astringent. “Residing in the Imperial family and speaking of feelings and love… Is this not laughable?” Seeing that Qingying remained unmoved, she could not refrain from letting out a sigh. “At your age, it is normal to lack understanding. This is also good. There are still benefits in failing to understand. Believing that one is living in peace and comfort is also a manner of living in peace and comfort. But Qingying… starting from today, you are no longer the Secondary Consort of the Prince’s Residence: the deepness and darkness of the Imperial Palace cannot be compared to that of a mere Prince’s Residence.”

Qingying frowned as she recalled the happenings of the past few days. Née Ula Nara examined her expression, lightly commenting, “What? Having just entered the palace, with your status not yet determined, you have already encountered trouble?”

Qingying gazed at née Ula Nara, held her breath, and solemnly bowed. “Qingying is ignorant. Begging Paternal Aunt to grant her wisdom.”

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