Please read our May Updates and TL Goals post!

Announcement – No New Chapters Until June/July

Hello readers!

Nyamachi here. My goal for May was to release biweekly releases of both Why Harem Intrigue and Held In The Lonely Castle. Unfortunately, I’m experiencing some unexpected health issues and am not really functioning well right now. I need to focus on catching up on irl stuff first. As a result, I probably won’t release any new chapters until at least June if not July at the earliest.

I usually change the [Translation Schedule] section on the sidebar of my website but realized that you won’t get notifications for that. Instead, I’ve made an [News and Announcements] section under [About Nyamachi] and plan to make posts like this going forward if there are any big changes (several weeks+) to my release schedule. That way it won’t be like I just disappeared (^^;;)

Thank you so much for your continued patience in between chapter releases! I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather!

Until next time,


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