Chinese Culture

Ancient Chinese Ranks and Titles

A list of all the royal, social, noble, official, and military ranks and titles from ancient China. This is not specific to any dynasty and will hopefully be a helpful guide for anyone confused with titles in Chinese novels/dramas.
Chinese Language

Ancient Poems: Peach Spring (桃源)

Ancient Poem: Taoyuan or Peach Spring by Anonymous (Tang Dynasty).
Here is my translation and interpretation of the poem, Taoyuan (or Peach Spring) by Anonymous from the Tang Dynasty. This poem is featured in the description of Held in the Lonely Castle!
Chinese Language

Timekeeping in Ancient China

The time system used in Why Harem Intrigue is the 时-刻 system where time is divided into roughly two-hour intervals called 时辰 (shíchén) and quarter-hour units called 刻 (kè). Each 时辰 corresponds to one of the twelve Earthly Branches and one animal of the Chinese zodiac. Here are my interpretations of the meanings behind each hour.
Cultural Notes
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